I held my own children the other morning and cried. It's difficult to carry on with such a heavy heart.
So many remain separated with no stated plan as of yet for those already torn apart. Stating this right here, right now because if there's one thing I've learned via this strange world of social media, it's that our voices matter. Yesterday we proved that. But now is not the time to silently rejoice. The letter Martin Luther King wrote from Birmingham jail spoke not to the strident clamor of the bad people but the appalling silence of the good; "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends". There are far too many that need us. The over 2,000 children that have been separated from their families still need us; silence is a luxury we can no longer afford. Organize, act, and remember that when you feel helpless and overwhelmed by the enormity of it all, you always have your voice. Use it. And for crying out loud, vote.
Today are donating 100% of our profits to RAICES; a refugee and immigrant center for education and legal services and we're inviting other shops, companies, and individuals to do the same. We also invite you to use #turningenergyintoaction to share other ways you are turning love and empathy and anger into action. We're also urging other shops, companies, and individuals to do the same. Use #turningenergyintoaction to share ways you are turning your love, empathy, and anger into action.