2019 | A Reflection

2019 | A Reflection
My girl @janet.jif was recently flipping through a design book and came across various stages of design for the center navigation on a remote control. 
Stay with me. 
Ultimately there were three different designs; an initial design, followed by an improvement upon the initial design, followed by the final design which ultimately would not have been the final design without having gone through the second phase. Stepping stones, building blocks, bridges.

The point being, we are ever-evolving. Maybe today we're not where we want to be or see ourselves being but maybe we're at a place in life that's absolutely necessary when taking into account where we ultimately want to be.

The idea of a resolution can insinuate that where we are is not okay; not good enough. But maybe it's both -- maybe we aren't where we want to be but maybe we are where we need to be to get there.

Be gentle with yourselves as we turn the page onto a new year. And in the re-worked words of Jack Kerouac, "I don't know where we're going but we need to keep going until we get there".

Happy New Year,

from The Bee & The Fox
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